Reenacting the ‘90s Romanian Advertising: From the Revelation of Delights to the Ascent of GSM Călin CRAINIC Abstract: Creativity research is a field still open to many types of exploration. The need for accurate instruments led researchers to various attempts during different periods. The present paper proposes a plunge back into the Romanian ‘90s when advertising was in its infancy. With a content analysis proposed and experts’ interviews, the research digs into a couple of aspects that defined the socially and economically tormented Romanian transition. The major concepts used in the paper are the divergence-relevance pair for assessing the general frames of creativity, as well as the systematic inventive thinking for identifying creative patterns. The focus is on identifying the major themes of that period, coupled with opinions obtained from creative experts who worked in advertising in those years. Keywords: Divergence; Relevance; Systematic inventive thinking; Press advertisements; ‘90s Romania DOI: 10.24193/jmr.37.5 |