Articles from Volume 8, Issue 2 (22) / 2015

Branding in the art world: the contemporary visual artist

Anamaria TOMIUC


Although the association of the term “branding” with the world of art may still generate negative reactions, reluctant attitudes and rejection, the present article investigates the branding phenomenon within the art system, with a direct reference to the contemporary artist. Two theoretical dire... Read More

Keywords: the art world, the art system, the celebrity persona, the brand artist

Online identity in the case of the share phenomenon. A glimpse into the on lives of Romanian millennials



In less than a decade, the World Wide Web has evolved from a predominantly search medium to a predominantly share medium, from holding a functional role to being endowed with a social one.In the context of a reontologisation of the infosphere and of an unprecedented display of mass self-communication, the i... Read More

Keywords: online identity, infosphere, mass self-communication, Millennials, Generation Y

Indicators and methodologies for the assessment of product placement



How can we measure the effectiveness of product placement, when the product does not appear in a commercial break, but a movie or TV show? There is a multitude of indicators and methodologies, but none of them is generally accepted yet.
The following article categorizes these approaches into two major... Read More

Keywords: product placement, branded entertainment, marketing communications, measurement, effectiveness

Die Auswirkungen der digitalen Ära auf das Verhältnis zwischen Journalismus und PR



The dramatic changes that occurred as a result of the developments in the digital age have left their mark on the format in which information reaches the consumer. The new media consumer has developed new skills in perceiving and processing information: he can easily use traditional media (television, radio... Read More

Keywords: future of public relations, future of journalism, social networks, digital era

Representing and consuming women. Paradoxes in media covering violence against women



The role of media is highly important in regards to violence against women, both in terms of how media cover the issue, and how media may become a tool used by activists and decision makers to raise awareness, mobilize people and implement programs on the issue. Even if the relationship between media, publi... Read More

Keywords: iolence against women, feminist activism, mass-media, protest

Consumption exposure on Facebook: What do we share in the online environment?

Alexandra-Petronela GRIGORE (ISBĂŞOIU)


In Romania there is already a significant access to the Internet so that the online presence or manifestation of individuals in this medium is no longer an unknown or isolated situation, but can be turned into an object of study. Online social networks, such as Facebook, provide the right environment for e... Read More

Keywords: Facebook; consumption, online, methodology, netnography

The rules remain the same

Constantin TROFIN


Technology we use in order to tell visual stories is constantly improving, newer technology superseding the old one at a breathtaking rate. Yet, video technology is a means and does not do the storytelling itself. However, visual storytellers must keep themselves updated with technology in order to get the ... Read More

Keywords: visual storytelling, DSLR camera, HD video capture, shoulder rig, visual storytelling

The visual framing of Romanian migrants in the British television documentaries: A constructivist approach

Bianca-Florentina CHEREGI


This paper discusses the role of images in framing the theme of Romanian people migrating to the UK, in the context of the freedom of movement for workers in Great Britain. In doing so, it focuses on the stereotypes about Romanians employed and also on the role of the British journalist in framing the issue... Read More

Keywords: media frames, migration, dispositif analysis, stereotypes, visual framing


Delia Cristina BALABAN, Cosmin IRIMIEŞ


Mădălina Moraru, Poveștile publicitare. De la inspirație la strategie [A story about advertising stories], București, Tritonic, 2015.

Joseph Messinger, Les gestes qui trahissent les politiques, Bucureşti, Ed. Litera, 2012.

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Keywords: Mădălina Moraru, Joseph Messinger