Articles from Volume 8, Issue 1 (21) / 2015

Mediated Histories of Advertising. Museum Exhibitions and Digital Archives

Anamaria TOMIUC


We are facing a contemporary boom of museums that actually re-write the history of humanity by displaying their collections and sharing multiple experiences with their visitors, but very few are dedicated to advertising. In this particular context, the purpose of this article is to investigate the manners... Read More

Keywords: history of exhibitions, the exhibition as a mediating device, mediated histories of advertising, virtual museums, digital archives

The Dual Model of the Digital Photojournalist: A Case Study on Romanian Photojournalism beyond the Economic Crisis

Alexandra BARDAN


This article aims to put in perspective the “crisis” notion: beyond the economic crisis of the past decade, the adoption of the digital media in the journalism feld has brought into question not only news business models, but also professional ones. Our theoretical approach examines the defnit... Read More

Keywords: economic crisis, digital photojournalism, professional and business models

Women’s Magazines. Editorial Practices and Cultural Recommendations

Alexandra-Oana IRIMESCU


This article aims to analyze the relationship between the internal philosophy of two successful Romanian cultural products aimed at the female public – the magazines Unica and Avantaje – and their perception of said public, refected in the cultural recommendations and news sections. These maga... Read More

Keywords: media culture, women’s magazines, cultural practices, lifestyle, Romania

Investigating identity formation in the virtual public sphere: The case of Piaţa Universităţii Facebook page



Along with the steering crisis of the modern democratic state, the public sphere and the mainstream media have lost their legitimacy to generate a discursive space free from constraints and with open access to a large variety of citizens. Ordinary citizens might not fnd their voice in mainstream media and... Read More

Keywords: virtual public sphere, identity, Facebook, dispositive

Symbolic constructions in the media discourse: Bucharest, Universităţii Square protests, 22 years after

Camelia CUȘNIR


The current study proposes an analysis of 2012 Universitatii Square media coverage as a media event characterized by liminality, favorable to use symbolic and mythological constructions in media discourse. The aim is to identify these symbolic constructions. As in 1990, when covering a media event which e... Read More

Keywords: media coverage, media event, 2012 Universităţii Square protests, symbolic constructions

Corporate social responsibility. Knowledge of the process in Romania

Veronica Ioana ILIEŞ


Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is today on of the most important process that can be incorporated into the management strategy of any company that speaks about itself in terms of social implication, responsibility, good community relationships, eco-friendly and good neighbor to the community in whi... Read More

Keywords: corporate social responsibility, Romania, Cluj-Napoca, public relations, reputation

A Conceptual Mapping of the “Gender Pay Gap” within the Communicative Actions of the European Commission



The European Commission has long been considered the main communicator (Cini, 1996) of the EU, within the European public space. When it comes to communication, each Commission had a different perspective regarding the who, how and to whom elements, a trinom considered to be a rather similar challenge fo... Read More

Keywords: communicative action, conceptual mapping, conceptual nodes, Cosinus coefficient, gender pay gap

Die Zukunft der vernetten Welt

Mirela-Codruţa ABRUDAN


The rise of social media changed the meaning of communication, providing tools each individual may use to generate content, partake actively, criticize and infuence any industry. New technologies facilitate the democratization of society, the building of a real global public opinion through spatial border... Read More

Keywords: media future, digital journalism, Social Web, multitasking, Big Data, virtual reality, wearables

Le passage de l’alphabet écrit à l’alphabet oral sur les reseaux sociauxHorea