Commercial Perception of Global and Local Brands on the Romanian Market Mădălina MORARU Abstract: The following research intends to analyse the perception of advertising campaigns broadcast on the Romanian market regardless of both local and global brands. The main interest is discovering how commercials point out Romanian’s integration into the global consumer culture, by fnding differences an... Read More Keywords: advertising, commercials, specifcity, global, local |
Ionela-Maria RĂCĂTĂU Abstract: The great expansion of the internet over the last years and the changing nature of media use have produced several concerns among scholars, varying from the potential risks that this new medium has brought, to the way it could possibly interfere in adolescents’ processes of identity formation. Since... Read More Keywords: identity formation, online risks, online performance, negative user-generated content, xenophobic content |
How do cartoons teach children? A comparative analysis on preschoolers and schoolchildren. Sonia SCHIAU, Iuliana PLITEA, Alexandra GUSIŢĂ, Sandra PJEKNY, Ioana IANCU Abstract: The study asses which cartoons are the most popular amongst kindergarten and schoolchildren, and whether they have an impact over their behavior. In a context in which children watch long hours of television everyday, the goal of the research is to comparatively analyze how animation flms infuence childre... Read More Keywords: cartoons, impact, preschoolers, schoolchildren |
The Impact of Sensory Branding on Consumer Behavior Roxana-Maria NICA, Ioana IANCU Abstract: This paper aims at generating an insight on the study of unconventional advertising, meaning those techniques that are different from classic advertising by atractive images and persuasive messages and by ‘exploring’ the consumers’ minds, experiences and senses. The theoretical basis wi... Read More Keywords: brand, sensory branding, senses, consumer behavior, perception |
Ioana IANCU, Anişoara PAVELEA, Laura MARUŞCA Abstract: Martin Lindstrom, Brandwashed. Tricks companies use to manipulateour minds and persuade us to buy Bogdan Pătruț, Monica Pătruț, Camelia Cmeciu, Social Media and the New AcademicEnvironment: Pedagogical Challenges Cosmin Irimieş, Basic Principles of Brand Management |