The premises that influenced the 2012 general elections in Romania Flaviu Călin RUS Abstract: Through this paper, I want to emphasize the most important premises that, from my point of view, contributed to the voting result in the general elections of December 2012 in Romania. I have also analysed several aspects referring to the winning parties, that have become part of the Social Liberal Union, ... Read More Keywords: political parties, electoral results, general elections, local elections, alliance, crisis, demonstrations, strategy, entities. |
Documental y terrorismo: Michael Moore Germán LLORCA ABAD Abstract: El documental es un género audiovisual vinculado desde sus inicios a una pretensión de veracidad. Los primeros realizadores creían ser los interlocutores válidos entre la realidad y los espectadores. Es cierto que esta pretensión se vio pronto desmentida por la experienc... Read More Keywords: documental, 11S, Michael Moore, terrorismo, shock |
The Context in the Production and the Consumption of Digital Art Elena ABRUDAN Abstract: In this article my intention was to confgure challenging profle of Digital Art as a mean of expression. We tried to identify the main changes in modern art works, that can be recognized in a digital art work, the instruments of digital and multimedia technology; also we discussed the digital art approach ... Read More Keywords: digital art, author, medium, tool, audience, media consumption |
Effective communication – an essential step towards public success Cosmin IRIMIEŞ Abstract: Mastering effective communication and structured speech represents, nowadays, one of the most important elements of public life, as it can open or close the door to success in public life. Atracting and, more important, being able to persuade the audience is the key to advancing on the social and politic... Read More Keywords: speech, effective communication, public, audience, argumentation, debate, persuasion |
Public Services Announcement impact Mihaela IVAN Abstract: Public health is of major importance to the European Union, who wants to unite local as well as national initiatives in order to implement Pan-European mechanisms to defne the best practices within the health department. This research analyses – the method Romania uses, via the National Audiovisual ... Read More Keywords: public health, European Union, National Audiovisual Council, Romanian population |
Laura MARUŞCA, Cosmin IRIMIEŞ Abstract: The lobby should be understood as a transparent way to infuence the executive and legislative decisions, trough actions that aim to support rights and legitimate interests in the promotion, adoption, amendment or repeal of decisions and decrees by authorities and public entities. It represents a form of m... Read More Keywords: lobbying, civil society, Europe, organization, country, public affairs |
Delia Cristina BALABAN, Cristina MORA, Cosmin IRIMIEŞ, Delia Cristina BALABAN, Corina ROTAR, Raluca ANTONIE Abstract: Alina Bârgăoanu, Elena Negrea, Communication and the EU. A complex approach in times of crisis Geert Hofstede, Gert Jan Hofstede and Michael Minkov, Cultures and Organizations: Sofware of the Mind Intercultural Cooperation and its Importance for Survival Wally Olins, The Brand Handbook |